Prime Time 3, Coursebook

to slam the door !slxm? You can hear the front door slamming. die Tür zuschlagen 6 appetite !*xpEtaIt? I can’t sleep, and I’ve lost my appetite. Appetit (der) to dry one’s eyes !draI? She dries her eyes and reads the next message. sich die Augen trocknen ’cos (coll.) (= because) !kEz? Sorry, can’t make it ’cos we’re going away. weil relative !*relEtIv? I have to see my boring relatives in Wales. Verwandter (der), Verwandte (die) wicked (coll.) !*wIkId? Have a wicked birthday! hier: fantastisch, super uneasily !0n*i"zIli? Gaia looks at her uneasily and shrugs. unbehaglich to sigh !saI? She sighs and leaves the stage. seufzen 7 to stare at sb./sth. !steE? She notices Lucy staring at her. jmdn./etw. anstarren sweetheart !*swi"th3"t? Have you had a good day, sweetheart? Schatz (der), Liebling (der) to order sth. !C"dE? Mum and I have ordered your cake for the party. etw. bestellen love !l0v? What are you saying, love? hier: Schatz (der), Liebling (der) cyberbullying !*saIbEbUliIN? Sending mean messages on social media is cyberbullying! Cybermobbing (das) to embrace sb. !Im*breIs? He goes to embrace his daughter. jmdn. umarmen to exclude sb. !Ik*sklu"d? Sweetheart, you’re kind of excluding her. jmdn. ausschließen furiously !*fjUErIEsli? Carly looks at her dad furiously. wütend whose !hu"z? Whose side are you on? wessen A happy ending? 8 to search sth. !s3"tS? I think the school should take away that girl’s phone and search it! etw. durchsuchen to take action !teIk *xkSn? We have to be certain it’s her before we take action. etw. unternehmen, handeln to suggest sth. !sE*dZest? So what do you suggest we do? etw. vorschlagen 9 chemistry lab !*kemIstri lxb? The students are in the chemistry lab. Chemielabor (das) sniff (coll.) !snIf? Not even Reuben’s coming to your party. Sniff. “schnüff”, umgangssprachl. für “traurig” mean !mi"n? These messages are so mean! gemein proof !pru"f? (sg.) I need proof that she sent them. hier: Beweise (die) (pl.) precious !*preSEs? So spend your birthday all alone at your precious Dad’s stupid club! hier: (ironisch) heiß geliebt to be jealous of sth. !*dZelEs? Her dad’s left the family, so she’s jealous of mine. eifersüchtig auf etw. sein 10 to call off sth. !kC"l *Of? Carly calls the party off. etw. absagen to cheer !tSIE? Carly’s friends are all cheering. jubeln brave !breIv? Thanks for being so brave. mutig to sign your name !saIn? If you want to join, sign your name! unterschreiben to realise sth. !*rIElaIz? I realised she was jealous of my happiness. sich einer Sache bewusst werden happiness !*hxpInes? They were really just jealous of my happiness. Glück (das) to include sb. !In*klu"d? They just want to be included and liked. jmdn. einbeziehen That’s a first !Dxts E *f3"st? Das ist mal was Neues! That sucks. !s0ks? Das ist ätzend. invite !*InvaIt? I can’t be there, but your invite means a lot. Einladung (die) Show what you can do to give sb. a hard time !hA"d *taIm? The children at school are giving me a hard time. jmdm. zusetzen, jmdm. zu schaffen machen ! 179 one hundred and seventy-nine Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv