Prime Time 3, Workbook

A trip to London Focus on form: Getting lost1 on the tube Peter Hatcher got lost on the tube on his school trip to London. Complete his chat with his best friend Aaron with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 3 1 to get lost – verloren gehen 2 cheer up! – Kopf hoch! Pete23 (9:03) Ugh, don’t ask … Pete (9:06) Well, we 4 (be) on our way back from the Globe Theatre to the train station when I completely 5 (forget) to get off the tube at Monument Station and went on alone … Pete23 (9:11) Well, half an hour later one of my teachers finally 9 (have to) come and get me from the station where I’d got off. I don’t think I 10 (ever, be) so stupid in my life! Pete23 (9:04) I can’t believe you 3 (not hear) about it. I’m sure everyone in my class is talking about me … Pete23 (9:11) I just hope sooner than later! Pete23 (9:07) Sounds as if you 7 (never be) on the tube before! I just couldn’t understand the map. Do you know how many stations there are? AaronX (9:13) Oh, cheer up2, mate! Everyone will forget about it sooner or later … AaronX (9:05) What?? Come on. Tell me …! AaronX (9:09) Nope, sorry. So what 8 (do) then? AaronX (9:03) Why? What 2 (happen)? AaronX (8:59) Hi, Pete! Didn’t you go on your school trip to London today? How was 1 (be) it? AaronX (9:07) So what? 6 (go) to the train station on your own then? 28 5 Unit London twenty-eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv