Prime Time 3, Workbook

Why water is important The water cycle a) Go back to CB p. 56 and look at the picture. Then put the sentences in the correct order. 1. water are grouped together, and clouds are formed. If the water … 2. sun. Then water turns into gas and that is called … 3. drops are heavy enough, they come down to Earth as rain. 4. cold, so the gas turns into small water drops. These tiny drops of … 5. The water cycle begins on Earth, when water is heated up by the … 1 6. evaporation. Then the gas rises into the air, and there it’s usually very … b) Read the sentences in task 1a again and highlight the passive in present tense. Remember: to be (am/is/are) + past participle (3rd form of the verb). c) Complete the report below with the passive forms from exercise 1a. The water cycle The cycle of water starts when water is heated up 1 by the sun. This means that the liquid water 2 into gas and then it rises into the air. This process 3 evaporation. In the sky, the gas turns into small water drops again, and they 4 together. This is how clouds 5 and when the water drops in the clouds are heavy enough, they fall down as rain and collect in lakes, rivers and the sea. How “International World Water Day” was started Read the sentences below and complete them in the passive voice. 1. In 1992 the United Nations Organisation (UNO/UN) started an idea. An idea … 2. The UN highlighted the problems with fresh water around the world. The problems with fresh water around the world … 3. The UN held the first “International World Water Day” in 1993. The first “International World Water Day” in 1993… 1 2 39 Unit thirty-nine 7 Water is life Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv