Prime Time 3, Workbook

Tell me more! Writing: Non-defining relative clauses  CB, p. 67 Read Sam’s emotional story and add non-defining relative clauses, in which you make the text more informative by adding your own ideas. Use who, which and where. He’s been sitting there for hours. It’s a hot day, but Sam is wearing elegant clothes. He’s wearing elegant clothes, 1 because it’s prom night, which he has been looking forward to for weeks 2 . “Maybe she will come? Pick me up?” He’s been thinking about the same thing for hours. But Lucy, 3 , does not come. Sam doesn’t go inside the house, 4 . He can’t tell his parents that he doesn’t have anyone to go with. And what would his older brother, 5 , say? It’s so embarrassing that Sam hides his face. Maybe she’s going out with her friends, 6 ? It’s hopeless1. She will never speak to him again. It’s over. He’s just glad that one girl can break your heart only once. But this one time feels like hell! Reading: How to stop being lovesick a) Read the text and fill in the linking words. 1 , find out if you really are lovesick. Signs to look out for are, 2 , feeling sick and exhausted and a changed appetite. You might not want to eat anything anymore or you might eat much more than usually. This is why 3 you should make sure to eat healthy foods and to drink enough water. 4 , a little bit of dark chocolate is ok if it makes you feel better. Some might find it helpful to delete any photos that make them even more lovesick, 5 others might want to collect nice things in a memory box. 6 , make sure to put the box away so that you don’t have to see it all the time! 7 , you should be kind to your body and get active. Call a friend to go on a walk together. Spending time with other people helps you to think positively. 8 , writing about your feelings can help. Use a diary or try writing poems. b) Tick the correct answer. This text … tells a story expresses emotions gives advice treats an illness 4 1 hopeless – hoffnungslos 5 this is why but however first finally of course furthermore for example 60 Revision sixty Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv