Prime Time 3, Workbook

English Example sentence German to agree !E*gri"? I agree. This is a good idea. zustimmen disagree !dIsE*gri"? I disagree. This is a bad idea. anderer Meinung sein, nicht zustimmen 1 to be kidding !*kIdIN? Are you kidding? scherzen, Spaß machen 3 advantage !Ed*vA"ntIdZ? An advantage of smartphones is that you can look up information online. Vorteil (der) disadvantage !dIsEd*vA"ntIdZ? What are the disdvantages of having a smartphone? Nachteil (der) 5 I see your point. Ich verstehe, was du sagen willst. to be out of the question That’s out of the question. nicht in Frage kommen 6 discussion !dIs*k0Sn? Some people love to join a discussion in an online forum. Diskussion (die) minimum age !mInEmEm *eIdZ? The minimum age to get a driver’s license is 16. Mindestalter (das) driver’s licence !*draIvEz laIsEns? I think it’s good that teenagers can get a driver’s license at 16. Führerschein (der) pros !prEUz? and cons!kOnz? There are pros and cons to this topic. das Für und Wider, das Pro und Kontra sporting event !*spC"tIN Ivent? They have to ask their parents to drive them to sporting events. Sportveranstaltung (die) car crash !*kA" krxS? Many teenagers die in car crashes. Autounfall (der) overweight !EUvE*weIt? Overweight people shouldn’t use their cars for very short distances. übergewichtig traffic light !*trxfIk laIt? Don’t cross the street until the traffic light is green. Ampel (die) 7 Drop us a comment! Schicke uns einen Kommentar! to ban !bxn? sth. Let’s ban mobiles from school. etw. verbieten to be unpopular !0n*pOpjElE? with sb. Banning smartphones from school is unpopular with teens. unbeliebt bei jmdm. sein 8 Lastly, … !*lA"stli? Lastly, smartphones cost a lot of money. Schließlich, … To sum !s0m? up, … To sum up, you can use a smartphone in many positive ways. Zusammenfassend, … 10 cuddly !*k0dli? Many teenagers want to have a pet, a cuddly, warm friend to come home to. knuddelig to adopt !E*dOpt? You can help an animal if you adopt it from an animal shelter. adoptieren allergic to sth. !E*l3"dZIk? People can be allergic to pets. allergisch auf etw. Vocabulary Tip: Draw vocabulary trees Vocabulary trees help you to learn words that belong together. You learn how to think in vocabulary groups. When you see a cup you will quickly think of other kitchen words such as knife, fork, or plate. T cup fork knife plate 80 13 Unit Agree to disagree eighty Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv