way2go! 7. Coursebook, Schulbuch

2 So arbeiten Sie mit way2go! 8 Take this quiz and find out the ideal way to spend your free time. Then get together in pairs and tell your partner about your result. Do you agree that this is the perfect activity for you? SPEAKING 1 a Unit 01 Ready to rumble i9597d In this unit you will: learn how to manage your leisure time discover social aspects of sports decide whether athletes are overpaid revise phrasal verbs and collocations become a pro at chart analysis step up to B2 level Using the results from the quiz, you and your partner now each describe a week in your ‘new’ life including some of the recommended activities. How would you make time for them? b Do you take delight in the peace and quiet of meditation? Are you actively into sports and physical recreation? Joining a rugby team would be ideal! Are you generally bad-tempered when you get home from school/work? Have a go at physical and mental yoga exercises! Do you need your own space when you’re stressed out? Consider learning to play an instrument! Do you appreciate loud music? Are you most content when you’re outdoors? Have a gathering with friends and family! Why not try your hand at painting? Widen your horizons – start a boxing course! yes yes yes yes no no no no yes no no yes 12 Unit 01 | Ready to rumble in a league of your own Discuss in small groups: 1 How do you think sport can increase your productivity? Have you ever experienced this yourself? How could you include sport into your daily or weekly schedule to become a better student? 2 Can you think of other reasons why people do sports? 3 What do you like/dislike about individual sports and team sports, summer and winter sports, indoor and outdoor sports? Individual long turn: Do this in pairs. Student A talks about tennis, student B about skiing. Prepare for about 8 minutes and talk for about 4 minutes. Give feedback to each other. Throw the dice or a coin to determine who is A and who is B. SPEAKinG 11 12 Discuss in small g 1 Why has it been 2 Why does it ma 3 What challenge SPEAKinG 16 A B Compare the pictures. Explain how doing sports has changed over the years. Discuss what makes doing sports with other people attractive. Compare the pictures. Discuss if skiing has become more attractive over the years. Recommend a skiing area you know well/you have heard about. Remember to use the present perfect when talking about change . Strategies box When you discuss an issue/a problem/a question, you try to find an answer/a solution to it by considering and exploring different aspects. Read through the READinG + WRitinG 13 a 37 The most interesting discussion raised in this unit was … A new expression I know I’ll use again is … Looking back: Learning goals of Unit 02 !! READinG B2 I can read longer texts on the topic of communication and social networks with a large degree of independence. (ex. 27b, 32) LiStEninG B2 I can follow extended speech and complex lines of argument on the topic of communication and social networks provided the direction of the talk is sign-posted by explicit markers. (ex. 12b) WRitinG B1+ I can summarise, report and give my opinion about accumu- lated factual information on the topic of communication and social networks with some confidence. (ex. 15, 17, 30) B1+ I can write a blog post or comment to communicate information and ideas on the topic of communication and social networks. (ex. 15, 30) SPEAKinG B1+ I can develop an argument or presentation on the topic of communication and social networks well enough to be followed without difficulty most of the time. (ex. 5, 35a) LAnGUAGE I can use a range of structures to express ideas about the future well. I can use a good range of vocabulary to describe and argue about the topic of communication and social networks. Topic vocabulary: Effective communication/Family Copy the word map into your notebook and add more ideas and expressions. Compare in class and with your teacher’s model to improve it further. LAnGUAGE 36 a Write a top 10 list of new expressions related to family from this unit you want to remember. b … … … … … facts discussion written presentation formal communicate important points explicitly use the right register know the medium practise good communication skills recognise the different aspects of messages spoken effective communication Jede der 10 Units beginnt mit einer Vorschau auf die Inhalte und einer anregenden Aufgabe , die Sie zu einer ersten Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema motivieren soll. Die Units sind in Unterthemen gegliedert, in welchen die verschiedenen sprachlichen Kompetenzen systematisch aufgebaut werden und auf niveaurelevante Language (Grammatik und Vokabular) eingegangen wird. Strategies boxes sollen Sie bei der Bearbeitung der verschiedenen Aufgabentypen und der Operatoren der Schreib- und Sprechaufträge unterstützen. Längere Strategies - Abschnitte beinhalten umfang- reichere Informationen auch zu Lern- und Arbeitsstrategien. Die Strategies -Seiten im Anhang wiederholen zentrale Arbeits- und Prüfungsstrategien. Den Abschluss der Kapitel bilden Looking back -Tabellen, die der Selbsteinschätzung Ihres Kompetenzstandes dienen. Die Beschreibungen, die Sie dort finden, entsprechen den Lernzielen bzw. Teilkompetenzen des Lehrplans . Um diese für Sie transparenter zu machen, wurden sie in way2go! möglichst kurz gehalten und mitunter auf mehrere Formulierungen aufgeteilt. In Klammern werden jene Aufgaben angeführt, die die jeweilige Teilkompetenz trainieren. Es sind immer nur die wichtigsten Teilkompetenzen des Kapitels angegeben, eine vollständige Liste finden Sie online. By the way bietet Ihnen interessante Informationen zu Aspekten des englischsprachigen Kulturkreises . 82 Unit 05 | Live and learn Topic vocabulary: Brain work Combine the words from the boxes below in meaningful ways and write them down. There are many possible combinations, e.g. acquire knowledge/facts/skills …or reflect on beliefs/values/problems, etc. LAnGUAGE 32 a M p. 31 By the way: A fresh(er) start Most students in the UK move away from home to live on or near to their university campus, so making new pals is a must. Luckily, help is at hand in the form of Freshers’ Week. ‘Fresher’ is the name given to new students in their first year of university life, and Freshers’ Week is full of activities organised by the students’ union for the newcomers. It’s designed to orientate and integrate the new arrivals, and often students who’ve been at the uni for a while will volunteer to help out the ‘newbies’ and point them in the right direction. They frequently wear specially designed T-shirts so that they can be easily recognised. The aim is not only to familiarise students with the basic necessities, such as getting a bank account or finding their way to lectures, but also to encourage them to expand their experience outside the lecture theatres in the way of activities and clubs. At some point in the week, ‘Freshers’ Fair’ takes place, where the various societies at the university have representatives who present their clubs. Students have the opportunity to sign up to whichever societies take their fancy. From sports clubs to film groups, from choirs to surfing clubs – there’s something for everyone at UK universities. Some societies are more serious and cultural, such as the Shakespeare Society or the Economics Society, and keen students can brush up their languages by going to the French or German Societies. However, some clubs take themselves a little less seriously, such as the Disney Society or the Robot Football Society. If students fancy something even more whacky, they can sign up to the Extreme Ironing Society (which involves dragging an ironing board into some remote place and then ironing an item of clothing there), the Custard Wrestling Society or the Competitive Eating Society. There’s no excuse for being bored if you’re a fresher at a UK university! Think of one ‘serious’ society to add to the list above, then add one whacky society. Share your ideas in class and explain why they would be attractive to freshers. Get other students to ‘sign up’ for one or both of your ideas. See whose ideas are the most popular in class. Verbs acquire analyse consider discover evaluate examine identify interpret investigate justify question recall reflect on revise solve study tackle understand Nouns accounts beliefs concepts conclusions errors facts ideas information issues knowledge messages opinions possibilities problems skills values Language- Abschnitte greifen aus dem Kontext wichtige grammatische Strukturen heraus, die wiederholt oder gelernt werden sollten. Auch Vokabel-Schwerpunkte werden so gekennzeichnet. Am Ende jeder Unit sammeln und erweitern Topic vocabulary - Felder das für das angestrebte Sprachniveau relevante Themenvokabular. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv