way2go! 8, Schulbuch

162 EXAM PRACTICE Health issues (individual long turn) Aspect: Healthy food Give a 5-minute talk on healthy food. SPEAKING 4 In your talk you should: compare the different ways of enjoying food in the pictures examine the consequences of eating the wrong kind of food argue that ‘healthy cooking’ should be taught at school Education (individual long turn) Aspect: Learning Give a 5-minute talk on learning. In your talk you should: analyse the cartoon speculate on the future of digital learning discuss the necessity of life-long learning The world of fiction (individual long turn) Aspect: People’s reading preferences Give a 5-minute talk on people’s reading preferences. SPEAKING 5 SPEAKING 6 TS_eliot 14 August, 9:51 p.m. I just hated reading … I remember, the only time I really hated reading books was at school. We couldn’t read at our own pace as we were constantly being asked whether we understood the message conveyed in chapter so-and-so and how we felt about it. Worst of all, we were given loads of tedious writing tasks related to the book … In your talk you should: comment on the blog post compare the advantages of reading for pleasure and reading for school recommend literature that could be popular with people your age Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv