way2go! 8, Schulbuch

27 An English magazine focusing on financial issues is trying to find out if people would actually want to give up cash. It is launching an essay competition promising to publish the best ones online. You have decided to send in an essay. WRITING 15 Do we want to live without cash? This essay-planning sheet and the task below will help you organise your essay. 16 a Paragraph Topics Introduction Decide if you want to argue in favour of or against the question of whether people would actually want to give up cash. Then write down your main arguments considering the content points in the task: 1 2 3 Now, write your thesis statement based on your arguments. Body paragraph 1 Topic sentence: Supporting example(s) and explanation: Body paragraph 2 Topic sentence: Supporting example(s) and explanation: Body paragraph 3 Topic sentence: Supporting example(s) and explanation: Conclusion Summarise your arguments using different wording from the thesis statement. In your essay you should discuss: why using cash is more/less convenient than electronic payment whether using cash is safer than electronic payment if people using cash tend to spend less Give your essay a title. Write around 400 words. See Writing coach, Essay, p. 172. Which five of the following sentences could be used as topic sentences for your body paragraphs? 1 Money is a topic people cannot agree on. 2 It is difficult for young people to get credit cards. 3 Cash is not dependent on technology, so it can be used any time. 4 Swiping a cash card is much quicker and easier than searching for notes and change, making it more convenient. 5 These days, people are spending more and more money. 6 If someone steals your cash, they will probably not get away with as much as if they take your card. 7 Most cards are protected by a PIN, so they cannot be used if stolen, making them safer than cash. 8 Some people’s lives revolve around money. 9 Using a card makes spending seem easy and painless, resulting in people spending more. 10 Money isn’t that important. b Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv