way2go! 8, Schulbuch

6 Contents 88 Unit 06: All men are created equal Topics Language Reading Everyday discrimination I’m just a girl Expand your vocabulary: Discrimination against social groups; Gender stereotypes; Nouns Language in use: Politically correct language (ED) Topic vocabulary: Social groups Everyday discrimination There is no pride in prejudice An extract from Trevor Noah’s Born a Crime Poem: The British by Benjamin Zephaniah Utopian thinking: How to build a truly feminist society (MM) 102 Unit 07: For science! Topics Language Reading Powering our lives Becoming carbon-neutral Expand your vocabulary: Energy use; Energy production; Word partners; Verb phrases; Solutions to climate change Topic vocabulary: Energy/Climate change Quiz: How can you save energy in your home? The energy dilemma (4W) Reading a chart to refute a climate myth Solutions to climate change (MM) 116 Literature along the way 122 Unit 08: The next chapter Topics Language Reading Becoming who you are The end of the beginning Expand your vocabulary: Personal growth; Changing your looks; Celebrating a big moment Language in use: Accept yourself, and your life will change (OGF) Topic vocabulary: Mixed crossword; Evolving as a person Poem: Growing up Teenagers, social media and plastic surgery (T/F/J) Graduation around the world (4W) 136 Exam practice Reading Listening Language in use India invents a city (4W) Computer criminals (MM) The discovery of Homo naledi (MC) Words shaping realities (T/F/J) Media and politics (FM4) (MM) The importance of reading literature (MM) The Dark Snow Project (FM4) (4W) Youth employability (4W) The Noah’s Ark Project (FM4) (MC) Facing facts (MC) Chile’s protest street art (BGF) Learning styles (OGF) The European Parliament (WF) The British National Health Service (ED) 164 Writing coach 178 Vocabulary 190 Key Semester check Semester 08 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv