way2go! 8, Schulbuch

89 Look at the statements below. Who might be talking? What situation could the people be in? Discuss in pairs. SPEAKING 2 Everyday discrimination “I’d love it if people just saw me as who I am, and not judge me by what I look like.” “I can’t walk down the street holding hands with my boyfriend because I’m afraid people will see and tell my dad.” “I just found out that my colleague earns £200 a month more than I do – for doing the same job.” C B A People are discriminated against for various (wrong) reasons: gender, race, ethnicity, age, religion, physical disability, sexual orientation, physical appearance, income level, and so on. The questionnaire below is used to determine everyday discrimination. Fill it in for yourself, then share the results with a partner. READING 3 almost every day once a week a few times a month a few times a year less than once a year never You are treated with less courtesy and respect than other people. You receive poorer service than other people at restaurants or stores. People act as if they think you are not smart. People act as if they are afraid of you. People act as if they think you are dishonest. You are called names or insulted. You are threatened or harassed. You are followed around in stores. Imagine you belong to one of the socially disadvantaged groups addressed in 2. Write a 200-word diary entry about one of the following experiences you might have. being treated with less respect/as stupid being called names or threatened. receiving poor service in a shop/restaurant Don’t mention any names, it should be anonymous. Your teacher will give you texts written by two of your classmates. Talk about them with a partner, then share your impressions in class. 1 Summarise the experiences in a few sentences. 2 Can you think of a reason why the events happened? Try to give explanations. 3 How should everyone have reacted after what happened? WRITING 4 SPEAKING 5 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv