way2go!, Maturatraining

41 Look at the topic sentences below and decide which content point (bullet point) they introduce. a Finally, I would like to share my experience of a perfect summer job with you. b Actually, it’s not only students who will profit from doing a summer job but also the companies involved. c Young people especially like summer jobs where they can help and see positive results of their effort. d Great news! Not only you but also your employer will profit from your work. e So, are you now thinking about a suitable job for yourself? f No doubt about it, summer jobs for students are definitely useful for a variety of reasons. g What’s more, summer jobs are not only beneficial to young people. Put the sentences below in the correct order to build a meaningful paragraph that addresses content point 1. a Additionally, a summer job provides the chance to find out where your strengths and passions lie, and maybe you can already build connections with future employers. b Earning money is just one of the many advantages of a summer job. c Besides, what’s bad about getting to know new people or even finding friends? d To start with, you will be able to have experiences no one can take away from you, and you will acquire new skills that might come in handy later in life. Put the sentences below in the correct order to build a meaningful paragraph that addresses content point 2. a Young people have so many great ideas that could be assets for their employers. b Finally, companies might find someone who they could hire permanently. c Not only young people profit from working during the summer but also the companies that employ them. d As you can see, summer jobs are a plus for both job seekers and work providers. e What’s more, it’s useful to have an extra person in the company, especially at times when so many employees are on holiday. Decide which of the conclusions below give the readers something to think about and move them to take action. 6 7 a b 8 1 Whatever you decide to do, whether you have good or bad experiences, it will be worth it as you’ll at least have an entertaining story to tell. So get started and write your application. 2 So, if you fancy all the new experiences, benefits and fun, then join the growing number of summer jobbers. You won’t regret your decision to improve your skills whilst enjoying new things. 3 Summing up, summer jobs are not only important for young people but also for the businesses that offer them. The main thing is to find a job that you like doing. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv