Mario's Rhyme Time 1, Booklet zur Audio-CD

Rhyme Time Going on holiday CD 2 • What I like best in my holidays • I like sightseeing, being by the sea etc. • What people do in their holidays • Going to future – What are you going to do in your holidays • Means of transport It’s prime time for a holiday – song Vocabulary – It’s prime time for a holiday Going on holiday – going to future – form rap Going on holiday – going to future questions – form rap Going on holiday – going to future saying no – form rap Vocabulary – Going on holiday – raps Means of transport – going to questions/answers – gap text Vocabulary – means of transport Mario’s last words – text Holiday master plan – song Vocabulary – Mario’s last words – Holiday master plan 14 14 a 085 14 b 086 14  c 087 14 d 088 14 e 089 14  f 090 14 g 091 14 h 092 14  i 093 14  j 094 14 k 095 M A R I O ’ S Rhyme Time 15 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv