English Unlimited HAK/HUM 2, Schulbuch

Unit 2, exercise 35a You work for a small Austrian furniture company, Design Felber – Möbel und mehr. An employee of a British company calls you. ■■ You answer the phone. (Use your name.) The reception’s bad. ■■ You try to connect the caller with your boss, Mr Felber. ■■ Your boss is out of the office. Take a message. Unit 3, exercise 12 Unit 6, exercise 15 Student B Student B Conversation 1 You’re an assistant in a small shop. You sell: ■■ packets of crisps: 90p each ■■ apples: 40p each ■■ Glasgow guide books: £7.89 ■■ chewing gum: 30p per packet ■■ ham and cheese sandwiches: £3.55 ■■ egg and tuna sandwiches: £3.99 ■■ newspapers: £1.10 You don’t have refrigerated drinks or chocolate. You don’t take cards, only cash. You don’t want any big notes. Conversation 2 You’re a visitor to the Glasgow Science Centre. Choose the kind of ticket you want: adult ticket, child ticket (age 3–15) or student ticket Tick () three more things you’d like to buy. ■■ a guide book of Glasgow ■■ a guide on pubs in Glasgow ■■ a museum guidebook ■■ a hot drink (coffee/tea) ■■ a scientific puzzle ■■ a Newton’s cradle1 ■■ a book on green energy ■■ a science book for your 5-year-old cousin ■■ a fun bouncy eyeball2 ■■ mints ■■ a soft drink You’d like to pay by card. You’d like to have a small, free bag. Group A http://www.mysteries.com/sar.htm Mysteries.com The Piri Reis Map This map (1) (find) in 1929 in Istanbul. It (2) (make) of animal skin. It (3) (draw) in 1513 by an admiral in the Turkish navy, Piri Reis. It (4) (show) the west coast of Africa and the east coast of South America. It’s famous because some people (5) (think) it also shows the coast of Antarctica. If true, this would be amazing because the history books say the Antarctic (6) (discover) in 1820. But other people (7) (say) that the map’s ‘Antarctica’ is really just a bad drawing of part of South America. 1 Newton’s cradle: Kugelstoßpendel (auch Newton-Wiege) 2 bouncy eyeball: Gummiball in Form eines Augapfels 143 A Activities Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv