English Unlimited HAK/HUM 2, Schulbuch

Explore reading: Money tips for India Look at the travel web page opposite giving advice for people going to India. Tick () the money services that are mentioned. 1 banks 2 cash machines 3 credit cards 4 online banking 7 international money transfers 5 private money changers 8 cash advances 6 airport exchange banks 9 hotel exchange desks Read the information on the web page again. First decide whether the statements (1–6) are true (T) or false (F) and put a cross (  ) in the correct box. Then identify the sentence in the text which supports your decision. Write the first four words of this sentence in the space provided. There may be more than one correct answer; write down only one. The first one (0) has been done for you. TIP: True/False questions consist of a single statement. You have to decide whether this statement is true or false by reading it thoroughly and making sure that every part of it is correct. Look out for words like always, never, only because they are often the reason why a statement is true or false. Statements True False First four words 0 Leave your passport in the hotel; you don’t need it to change money. 1 Take your card – you’ll find an ATM in every town and village. 2 It’s a good idea to always have some cash with you. 3 Never keep the emergency lost-and-stolen phone numbers with your credit card. 4 Take US or Australian dollars only; you can change these everywhere. 5 Remember to change your rupees before you leave India. 6 Traveller’s cheques are a good replacement for cash. Look at the underlined words on the web page. They can have more than one meaning. Which meaning is correct here? 1 denominations 4 leftover A the values or units of coins or banknotes A not used B different types of Christianity B not eaten 2 backup 5 wire A a copy of data on a computer A connect a piece of electrical equipment B something extra which you can use if you need it B send money electronically 3 maintain A always have with you B repair regularly to keep in good condition 32 33  Remember, you must present 34 40 Language skills Extras Explore 3 Money Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv