English Unlimited HAK/HUM 2, Schulbuch

Explore reading: Use your voice! Why do you think it could be important for young people to vote? Make a list of reasons. Compare and discuss your reasons in class. Read the article, then choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1–6. Put a cross (  ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. 1 to take a stand: to publicly express your opinion about sth. 2 to have a say in sth.: to be able to influence sth. 3 to take action: to do sth. 23 a b 24 An increasing number of countries are allowing teenagers to vote as soon as they reach the age of 16. However, without the necessary knowledge, a lot of teenagers understandably do not feel ready to take a stand1 and raise their voice for or against a certain party or set of beliefs. In fact, they shy away from taking part in elections instead of making use of their right to have a say2 in the government of their country. We strongly believe that it is important for any society that there is a fair proportion of young people actively contributing to a country’s development. In case you still need to be convinced of the importance of your contribution, we have put together a set of good reasons why teenagers should vote. 1. You have a voice. Use it! Teenagers often complain about their ideas not being heard and their wishes not being respected. By letting you vote, the government gives you the chance to communicate your ideas. If you have that opportunity, you should let the government know what you think. 2. You want to be mature? This is your chance! Many teenagers have a hard time being taken seriously and are only smiled at when they try to take part in an adult conversation. Showing your interest in politics, for example, underlines the fact that you are not afraid of taking action3, which automatically makes you appear more mature. 3. You get what you deserve! Nowadays, people in general, but young people in particular, seem to like complaining about all the things they do not have. They believe other people’s needs are more important for politicians than their own. The truth is that if you think teenagers and young adults don’t get enough attention from the government, then this is most certainly because there are not enough young people voting for that kind of representation. If you vote, you have a chance to make sure you and like-minded people get what they want. 4. Shape your future! If you are in your teens or early twenties, the last thing you are probably thinking about is your pension, which is understandable as you have about 45 years to go before you need to think about that. What you should think about, however, is that most of the things you decide today will affect your future. Social security, for instance, is an issue you should not neglect but take an active interest in. There will come a day when you will be affected by decisions made in the past too. How do you feel about taking action now? We really hope we have been able to open your eyes and help you see how important it is for young people to make use of their vote. People who realise that they are responsible for their society’s future show it by voting! Use your voice! 62 Language skills Extras Explore 5 How do you feel? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv