English Unlimited HAK 3, Schulbuch

2 Contents Global media Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening „„talk about information, films and entertainment media „„talk about habits „„express preferences and make recommendations „„describe a TV show or film „„write a film review for a website „„Habits and preferences „„Talking about facts and infomation „„Evaluating and recommending „„Describing books / TV shows „„Changes „„Talking about the present „„Relative pronouns „„TV and radio habits „„Talking about books and TV shows „„Alice in Austria „„Explore listening: Online habits Good communication? Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening „„talk about using the internet „„talk about methods of communication „„speculate about the present and future „„express opinions „„speculate about consequences „„ask for clarification and clarify what you are saying „„Using the internet „„Expressing probability „„Expressing opinions „„it’s + adjectives „„Speculating about consequences „„Keyword: so, such „„will, could, may, might „„What’s your favourite method of communication? „„A new school policy on mobile phones „„Nick’s granny goes online „„Explore listening: A conversation about satnav Success Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening „„talk about business ideas „„talk about hopes, dreams and ambitions „„talk about abilities, success and achievements „„describe qualities you need for different activities „„apply for a job „„take part in an interview „„Talking about a business concept „„Hopes, dreams and ambitions „„Abilities „„Personal qualities „„Matching people to jobs and activities „„Applying for a job „„Facts and feelings „„Attitudes to success „„Present perfect and time expressions „„Hopes, dreams, ambitions „„An interview with Aileen Westfield „„Entrepreneurship „„Negotiating with an investor „„A conversation about attitudes to success „„A job interview „„Explore listening: Talking about trends in tourism Lost and found Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening „„talk about unexpected travel situations „„make deductions, talk about possibilities „„talk about attitudes to possessions „„describe objects „„present products and services „„Travel situations „„Multi-word verbs: tidying and cleaning „„Describing products „„Describing objects „„Keyword: have „„Modals of deduction and speculation „„A nightmare journey „„Lost property „„What has Mandy lost? Money matters Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening „„give advice „„talk about managing money „„give detailed instructions „„give reasons for advice „„explain something „„say you don’t understand „„give a talk about youth accounts „„Related words „„Linking expressions 1 „„Multi-word verbs: managing money „„Using online services „„Giving reasons „„Verb + -ing „„Dorothy’s story „„Kiarra’s podcast „„Calling a helpline „„How teenagers should manage their money „„A dialogue at the bank Semester check: Units 1–5 Unit 1 5th semester p. 7 p. 20 Unit 2 p. 29 Unit 3 p. 43 Unit 4 Unit 5 p. 56 p. 68 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv