English Unlimited HAK 3, Schulbuch

As you were not satisfied with your stay, you have decided to complain to the hotel manager. Make use of the information in 40 and 42 and write a letter of complaint (around 200 words). You should: ■■ refer to the date and length of your stay ■■ explain why you were dissatisfied and give examples of what was wrong (room, cleanliness, service) ■■ ask for adequate compensation 1 Business communication: How to make a written complaint, p. 160. 43 Self-assessment „„talk about decisions and the consequences of decisions „„complain about goods and services „„ask for a refund or replacement „„make a complaint politely „„compare and contrast two alternatives „„write a customer review (and letter of complaint) Explore listening: A disastrous holiday You are going to listen to Matt talking about his experience of a hurricane. First you will have 45 seconds to study the task below, then you will hear the recording twice. While listening, answer the questions (1–8) using a maximum of four words. Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. After the second listening, you will have 45 seconds to check your answers. 0 What country was Matt visiting? 1 Where did his adventure take place? 2 What kind of accommodation did he have? 3 What was the problem? 4 How much time did they spend indoors? 5 How did Matt feel in that situation? 6 What did he do about it? 7 What did he bring back to the apartment? 8 How did his friends react to his adventure? How does Matt describe his feelings about the experience? Complete his sentences using the words on the right. There are two extra words you should not use. 1 It was the holiday I’ve ever experienced. 2 It was just an absolute . 3 I’ve never seen or experienced like it. 4 I was getting really , , and I really needed some cigarettes. 5 That was another half an hour walk back, and I was quite , but everyone just thought I was when I came back. Media task. Matt knows he took a risk when going out in a hurricane. Would you know the correct way to stay safe in a hurricane situation? Research online and present your top five safety tips to the class. 44 3242mb 37 (he was in) Cuba 45 anything chuffed crazy nightmare irritated starving tired worried worst 46 85 Language skills Extras Explore 6 Sorting things out Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv