English Unlimited HUM 3, Schulbuch

Chat about friends Talk together. 1 If you have a problem, who do you talk to? 2 If a friend of yours has a problem, what do you do? Listen to Rick, Mel and Chris talking about another friend, Robert. 1 What was Robert’s problem? 2 What happened in the end? Complete the highlighted expressions from the conversation with the correct forms of these verbs: a Listening 25 29z2ug 52 Chris Rick Mel b Vocabulary Exchanging news 26 hear (4x) say (x2) speak tell 1 Did you about Robert? 5 Have you to Robert lately? 2 Has anybody from Martin? 6 That is not what I . 3 Who you that? 7 I his plane was cancelled. 4 Who that? 8 Someone he’s got a new girlfriend. Work in A/B pairs. You’re going to write a conversation together. Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Then choose conversation 1, 2 or 3. Conversation 1 Did you hear about …’s new …? Conversation 2 Have you spoken to … lately? Conversation 3 Has anyone heard from …? A, write one more sentence to continue the conversation. Then pass the paper to B. B, write the next sentence and pass it back to A. Use a highlighted expression from 26 in each sentence. Work in groups. Act out your conversations. Work in groups of three. You’re all friends of Frank. You’re going to meet in a café and talk about Frank’s problem at school. Read your role cards: A p. 163; B p. 168; C p. 175, and think about how to: 1 talk about people you know. Did you hear about Frank? 2 summarise what people say. He told me that he wants to … 3 report speech directly. So she said, “What do you mean?” Have your conversation. Listen to what other people say. What do you think Frank should do? 27 a b c Frank a Speaking 28 b Think about conversations you’ve had recently. Complete the sentences with your ideas. ■■ school ■■ relationships ■■ gossip about friends 1 My friend told … 3 A classmate asked … 5 In a recent phone call, I said … 2 At school recently, I promised … 4 I explained … 6 My … has agreed … Compare your sentences with a partner. Ask questions to find out more. Examples: A: Barbara told me that she and her family are moving to London! B: Really? That’s exciting. When is she leaving? a Speaking 24 b 104 Language skills Extras Explore 8 Fiction and reality Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv