English Unlimited HUM 3, Schulbuch

How to write a handout A handout is for your audience to take away from your presentation to review later. It is a good idea to distribute it at the end of your presentation so that the audience does not start reading the handout while you are talking. It should be about one page and contain the main points of your talk. Do not simply print out your slides! Useful phrases for video conferences Host – Thanks for joining me/us for today’s … – Thank you all for logging on … – C an everyone hear me? – O ne second, I’ll quickly admit … to our meeting. – M r/Ms X, can you please mute/unmute your microphone? – M r/Ms X, would you please turn off/on your camera? – I ’ll share my screen with you to show you … – Can everyone see the information or should I enlarge it? – Mr/Ms X, can you please share your screen, so that … – Let’s use the whiteboard to … – Feel free to type your ideas into our group chat. – Can you please click the “reactions” icon so that I can see who is in favour of …? – I’ll turn off my camera now to … Participant – C ould you please repeat what you just said? You’re breaking up. – I can’t hear you very well … – Your image is too small/unclear … – Would you please move your camera to the left/right so that we can see you? – Excuse me, how do I …? – The internet connection is not stable; I seem to be fading in and out. – Can I quickly share my screen to show you? – I think Mr/Ms X is still in the waiting room; would you please admit him/her? Visual aids ■■ Illustrate key points ■■ Use catchwords, not full sentences on slides ■■ Use big font for easy readability ■■ Use images that complement the text and not more than six bullet points on a slide ■■ Aim to talk for at least 1 minute per slide ■■ Make sure graphs and numbers can be read by everyone in the room Language ■■ Use formal, written language ■■ Use bullet points & keywords ■■ Give an explanation of technical terms Language ■■ Short sentences ■■ Adapt language to target audience ■■ Speak slowly and clearly ■■ Repeat main message ■■ Structure information with linking phrases ■■ Involve audience with rhetorical questions ■■ Directly address audience ■■ Tell a personal story to keep the audience interested Layout ■■ Presentation title ■■ Same structure as presentation ■■ Graphics ■■ References and links for further relevant material ■■ Your contact details 162 B Business communication Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv