Englisch BHS mündliche Matura, Maturatraining

For example, look at the situation below (1 5.14). In this example, you work as an intern at a marketing and advertising agency. You represent this agency at a job fair held by a university. ■■ Why are you there? Probably because your bosses supposed you would do a good job of creating interest among university students. They are always interested in acquiring talented new employees, and they thought you would be able to connect with potential applicants. ■■ What is the point of holding a job fair (a.k.a. career fair)? It is to give “students and employers a chance to meet one another, establish professional relationships, and discuss potential job and/or internship opportunities”, according to the Florida State University Career Center. ■■ What is the setting of your presentation? You are not standing at a lectern or pulpit, giving a dramatic speech to a large audience. Rather, you are talking to a small group of interested students who just happened to gather around your booth. ■■ Moreover, you are not talking to a group of decision-makers. Your listeners are in no position to grant you a request or do you a favour. They are more or less on the same level as you. It would be an entirely different situation if the task said, “You are presenting your ideas to the board of directors”. Then there would be a significant difference in status and power between you and them. So, given all of this, which opening would you consider more appropriate for the task at hand, A or B? A B Hopefully you’ll agree that the second opening (B) would be completely out of place in our situation. You would sound pompous, stiff, and overly formal. By contrast, the first one (A) makes you sound friendly and approachable. Again, if you were addressing a board of directors, things would be very different. In that case, the second opening (B) might be appropriate. To understand the situation, the first and most important step is to read the instructions carefully. Drafting an opening for a speaking task Look at the sample Matura tasks in this book (e.g. 1 1.11, 1 4.15, 1 5.14) and draft openings appropriate to the situations given there. Think about all the factors described above – the setting, the participants and their roles, etc. Methods & strategies: Describing pictures Worth a thousand words … Being able to describe pictures clearly and precisely is an essential and indispensable skill. Sometimes the instructions call for it outright. Sometimes you should do it to direct your audience’s attention to the most relevant aspects of your visuals. It is, of course, particularly important to do this if a member of your audience is visually impaired. Use the following phrases for this purpose. Hello, I’m John, I’m with BrandWorks, and I’d like to tell you a few things about advertising and branding. First, let’s look at why marketing and advertising are so important today …” “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to talk to you today. I am honoured to be here. On behalf of BrandWorks, I would like to welcome you to my presentation on advertising and branding, which I have divided into three parts …” To do [A] [D] 5.11 How-to [A] [B] [H] 5.12 52 Key aspects Strategies Sample task 5 Marketing & advertising Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv