Englisch BHS mündliche Matura, Maturatraining

Traditional media journal Zeitschrift, Fachzeitschrift news corporation Nachrichtenfirma, -gesellschaft publication Veröffentlichung; veröffentlichte Materialien to publish veröffentlichen, herausgeben broadcast Sendung, Ausstrahlung (Radio, TV) to broadcast senden, ausstrahlen broadcast network Fernsehanstalt, die landesweit sendet, Medienkonzern news division Nachrichtenabteilung 5ax2gx media outlet Radiostation, Fernsehsender The event was covered by media outlets throughout the world. current events aktuelles Zeitgeschehen, Neuigkeiten agenda Programm, Tagesordnung to set the agenda das Programm festlegen, die Richtung vorgeben, die Weichen stellen sensationalist Sensationsto persuade überzeugen, überreden coverage Berichterstattung Media coverage is driven by both demand and supply. Topic-related vocabulary: Media & social networks Nevertheless, social media is a lot like traditional media in many ways. Two of the most popular social media destinations among youth today are social networking sites (SNSs) and content communities (such as YouTube). Most teens in developed countries use social media daily, and the ways they use it overlap with traditional media. They tune in online for the same reasons that they tune in to movies, TV shows or video games: to be entertained and deal with boredom, to connect with friends, to gather and share information, and out of habit. These are universal motives. Growing up, their parents most likely used the telephone, letters and email as a means of communicating with friends and peers, staying informed about loved ones, and feeling connected; and these same needs of youth are now being met by using social media. According to a recent study, 83% of teens aged 13–17 reported feeling more connected to friends by using SNSs. Social media is also a unique opportunity for youth to find community around specific interests or aspects of personal identity where they may have few or no in-person connections or role models. For example, researchers found that young adults with serious illnesses found peer support on YouTube. Moreover, social media has the potential to help youth become active local and global citizens. A metaanalysis revealed that social media use had a positive impact on youth political engagement. Plus, youth can use social media to get health information online that they may be embarrassed about, or when they’re unsure who to ask. 4.What are some of the risks of social media? Today’s common concerns over social media use, especially by young people, include worries about children interacting with strangers online, loss of privacy, damage to users’ reputations, cyberbullying, and exposure to unwanted content, among others. Internet expert Jaron Lanier points out that many mechanisms embedded in social media aim to modify users’ behaviour and make them addicted to those platforms. In her review of Lanier’s book Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now, Zoe Williams writes: “If triggering emotions is the highest prize, and negative emotions are easier to trigger, how could social media not make you sad? If your consumption of content is tailored by near limitless observations harvested about people like you, how could your universe not collapse into the partial depiction of reality that people like you also enjoy? How could empathy and respect for difference thrive in this environment?” JUST FOR FUN I’ve given up social media for the New Year and am trying to make friends in the real world while applying the same principles. Every day, I walk down the street and tell passers-by what I’ve eaten, how I feel, what I did the night before, and what I will do tomorrow. Then I give them pictures of my family, my dog, and me gardening. I also listen to their conversations and tell them I love them. And it works. I already have three people following me … two police officers and a psychiatrist. PLEASE NOTE Depending on the context as well as on the speaker’s personal preferences, the word “media” can be followed by plural or singular verbs. So you can say “The media is to blame for this controversy” or “The media are to blame for this controversy.” In the United States, the singular is much more common. The word “news” is singular and uncountable, believe it or not. For example: “Online news is popular, and it is only becoming more popular with each passing day.” 66 Key aspects Strategies Sample tasks 7 Media & social networks Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv