English Unlimited HTL 2, Schulbuch

0 Bikewizards is A a well-established family-owned shop. B a big store in the neighbourhood of bike rentals. a shop owned by its expert employees. D a small shop of workers from the local neighbourhood. 1 At Bikewizards A you can rent a bike that accommodates your children. B you can order a special bike according to your ideas. C you can recharge your battery on your e-mountain bike. D you can get rid of your old bike with a cracked steel frame. 2 The employees at Bikewizards have a great range of experience, because A they have repaired expensive racing bikes. B they have taken part in international bike races. C they know what it’s like to only own a $15 garage sale bike. D they know what it’s like to commute by bike. 3 Worker ownership A creates a positive atmosphere and excellent quality work. B creates the opportunity to keep the number of workers small. C makes everybody much more profit-­ motivated. D makes everybody concentrate on excellent customer service. 4 According to the brochure, biking A improves the quality of life in neighbourhoods. B helps you live an environmentally friendly life. C helps develop a healthy attitude towards traffic. D brings people of a neighbourhood closer together. 5 The business is involved in the community A by giving some money to bicycle charities. B by investing in the local economy. C by helping to build better cycling paths. D by spending their profit locally. 6 When something is wrong with your bike A you can look online for the price of problem assessment and repair. B you can call Bikewizards for a free assessment of the problem. C you can book several pre-defined service packages. D every individual service is invoiced on top of the basic service package. 7 Repair services A have to be booked 7 days in advance. B are always scheduled online with a future date. C may be done immediately when you come to the shop. D can only be offered during office hours. C  67 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv