English Unlimited HTL 4/5, Schülerbuch

Read two summaries of the podcast. Which do you think is best? Why? 28 a Avi Loeb claims that it would be arrogant to think we are alone in the universe. This idea was reinforced after sighting an interstellar asteroid, which was a huge, pancake-shaped sail, thinner than a millimetre. Also Loeb’s colleague, Bialy supported the thesis in a scientific paper. It seems the two scientists enjoyed their instant fame; they gave many interviews and were quoted in different social media. Other scientists had more realistic theories and criticised Loeb strongly, which made him upset. A In October 2017, an interstellar object, which was named ’Oumuamua, was detected. It had extraordinary characteristics that could not be classified as natural. After conducting research, the astrophysicist Avi Loeb claimed that it could be an object from a different civilisation. This hypothesis made him famous overnight. Yet, his fellow researchers and scientists voiced a lot of criticism and even made fun of him. B How do the summaries match (or fail to match) these points? Discuss with a partner. Write a summary of the article on p. 10. Follow the points above and aim for about 100 words. b A summary should: 1 be easy to understand. 2 include all the main points of the original, without unnecessary details. 3 not include your own opinions or reactions. 4 not include any unnecessary words and expressions. 5 be written in your own words, without copying sections of the original. 6 be written in complete sentences, linked to make a paragraph. c Explore writing 2: An article about the Kepler Space Telescope Your school magazine Wir sind HTL publishes one issue out of two per year in English. The editorial team has dedicated the next English issue to the topic ‘New frontiers’. This is the information you’ve collected. Read the text. What is the text and the chart about? 29 a The number of new candidate exoplanets – planets that orbit other stars – has increased by 521 from the analysis of observations conducted from May 2009 to May 2013, raising the number of planet candidates detected by the Kepler mission to 4,696. Twelve of the new planet candidates have diameters between one to two times that of Earth, and orbit in their star’s habitable zone. Of these, nine orbit stars are similar to our sun in size and temperature. The ‘circumstellar habitable zone’ (CHZ) is defined as the region around a star where water could be found on the surface of an Earth-like planet. 72 – larger (15–25 R ) 289 – Jupiter-size (6–15 R ) 1,592 – Neptune-size (2–6 R ) 1,322 – Super Earth-size (1.25–2 R ) As of July 23, 2015 955 – Earth-size (<1.25 R ) 18 Language skills Extras Explore 1 Discovery Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv