English Unlimited HTL 4/5, Schülerbuch

Self-assessment „„interpret maps and facts „„make comparisons and talk about changes „„write an email proposing an article „„talk about globalisation „„discuss issues in meetings „„talk about results „„write a blog post „„write an article Explore writing: An article about modern communication SMART!, a British telecommunications provider, is holding a competition inviting participants to write an article on modern forms of communication. 26 Once upon a time, messages were delivered by smoke signal, carrier pigeon or telegram. Nowadays, there are more efficient ways to communicate. Tell us how modern forms of communication have improved our lives and win a one-year free mobile phone contract! SMART! – You choose, we provide! You decide to submit an article. In your article, you should: ■■ discuss the image of the ‘global village’. ■■ analyse the advantages of modern communication devices. ■■ outline your personal experience with modern forms of communication. Write around 250 words. Give your article a title. 1 Writing guide: Article, p. 191. 46 Language skills Extras Explore 3 The changing world of work Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv