English Unlimited HTL 4/5, Schülerbuch

6 Technology and science Goals Language focus Listening Speaking „„discuss how to access information „„talk about technological advances „„write a blog comment about digital technology „„deliver a confident message „„write a proposal „„describe graphs and trends „„write a business email „„use project management tools for the diploma thesis „„Talking about information and knowledge „„Developments and advances „„Digital technology and collocations „„Sounding confident „„Describing graphs „„In favour of or against modern technology? „„The CEO of Demand Media „„Describing a graph „„Explore listening: New technology in teaching and language learning „„Finding out information „„Digital skills „„Delivering a confident message „„Explore speaking: Frontier technologies From design to brands Goals Language focus Listening Speaking „„discuss design, logos and brands „„describe effects and influences „„talk about the image and qualities of products „„talk about product names and advertising techniques „„describe the development stages of a new technology „„measure differences „„write a professional abstract „„use advertising language in a leaflet „„Discussing design „„Describing objects – past participle clauses „„Effects and influences „„Image and qualities „„Talking about product names „„Marketing words „„Describing technology „„Measuring differences „„Brand image and qualities „„A viral video „„How to write an abstract „„Explore listening: BEST „„Design classics „„Describing an advert „„Brand images „„The best-known product names Saving the world Goals Language focus Listening Speaking „„talk about climate change „„describe inventions and how they work „„discuss proposals „„describe an ongoing process „„say if actions are justified „„report and react to a point of view „„conduct a debate „„write a blog post „„write a report „„Climate change „„Active and passive infinitives „„Present progressive active and passive „„Adverb / adjective collocations „„Saying if actions are justified „„Reporting / Reacting to a point of view „„The Green New Deal „„Artifical intelligence „„Reactions to a debate „„Explore listening: Meat consumption and the environment „„Proposals to combat climate change „„Transport „„Conduct a debate „„Living ‘off-grid’ in Austria „„Explore speaking: A greener alternative? Semester check 3: Units 9–11 Thinking about the future Goals Language focus Listening Speaking „„talk about the future „„make predictions about the world „„write an article „„describe personal hopes and expectations „„take part in a job interview „„write a letter of application „„write a blog comment „„Predicting the future „„Future time expressions „„Interview questions „„Recruitment „„Eamonn and Lindie talking about their future „„Recruitment in different countries „„Explore listening: – 3D printing „„Speculating about / Predicting the future „„Flying cars „„Job interviews „„Explore speaking: A revolutionary invention? Preparing for final exams Writing guide „„Reading Writing „„Listening Speaking „„Meeting minutes Blog comment Report „„Proposal Leaflet Enquiry „„Blog post (Formal) Letter / Email Offer p. 117 Unit 9 9th semester p. 131 Unit 10 p. 145 Unit 11 p. 156 p. 162 Unit 12 10th semester p. 173 p. 185 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv