English Unlimited HTL 4/5, Schülerbuch

84 Language skills Extras Explore 6 Production and industry Listen to Aiden’s introduction to his talk. What four things does he plan to talk about? Listen to the next part of Aiden’s talk and take notes on: 1 how he summarises media history. 4 how to find accurate and truthful information. 2 how authoritarian governments handle information. 5 why he is critical of anonymous sources. 3 what sources are available in order to become informed today. 6 what dangers are to be avoided when passing on news. Compare your notes. Which of the highlighted expressions A–F from his talk does Aiden use to: 1 outline the structure of his talk at the beginning? 2 open a topic? 3 close a topic? A I’d like to talk about four aspects of modern media: first, what news sources there were … B Let’s begin with how the media was organised just a few decades ago. C That’s all I wanted to say about history for now. D OK, that’s the language aspect. E The next thing is the quality or reliability of a source. F Let’s move on to how you can act ethically as a blogger or journalist. Add the expressions in the boxes to 1–3 above. Choose one of these situations or think of your own subject to talk about. 20 a 27 3rm6cp b 28 3s6z6u c Language focus Organising a talk 21 a b I’ll be looking at … main areas. Next, I’d like to say something about … So, we’ve talked about … That’s it as far as … is concerned. I’ve divided my talk into … parts. Now let’s take a look at … Speaking 22 a A group of students from a Greek upper secondary school is visiting your school. You’ve been asked to give them a short introduction to your school on the first day of their five-day visit. The aim of the presentation is to inform them about your school’s history, its organisation, main departments, and so on. A You’re a member of a small club of people with a common interest or hobby (e.g. hiking, computers, sports, …). You’re keen to attract new members, so you’ve arranged to give a brief talk about the club at your school for people your age who might be interested in joining. B Your friend is a student representative at an international school. As they are planning a ‘Technology Day’, they’ve asked you as an advanced student at a technical college to come and give their class a short talk about the future of technology as seen from your field of expertise (e.g. information technology, industrial production, innovative materials, applied electronics, future design processes, etc.). C Prepare your talk. Make notes to help you remember what you want to say. ■■ Decide on three or four main topics to include in your talk. ■■ Plan the introduction to your talk, including a brief outline of its structure. ■■ Decide what you want to say about each topic. ■■ Choose expressions for opening and closing each topic. Practise your talks in small groups. Change groups and listen to each other’s talks. Ask questions about anything you don’t understand or want to know more about. b c 23 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv