kick off PTS, Coursebook

Language in use B Befindet sich im Satz kein am, is, are, have got, has got, can oder must, verwendet man bei Fragen do oder does (nur in der 3. Person Singular). Das Verb steht dabei im Infinitiv. • I help my uncle in his hotel. Do I help my uncle in his hotel? (+) Yes, I do. / (–) No, I don’t. • Emily works in a workshop. Does Emily work in a workshop? (+) Yes, she does. / (–) No, she doesn’t. C Fragen mit Fragewörtern beginnen mit dem Fragewort. Damit fragt man nach einem Satzteil. • Michael is late in the morning. WHEN is Michael late? In the morning. • I enjoy football. WHAT do I enjoy? Football. • Emily lives in East London. WHERE does Emily live? In East London. ABER: Bei Fragen nach dem Subjekt verwendet man kein do oder does! • Emily wants a job in the wood industry. WHO wants a job in the wood industry? Workbook, p. 11, ex. 6, 7 Das „present simple“: Fragen A Befindet sich im Satz am, is, are, have got, has got, can oder must, so wird die Frage mit dieser Form gebildet. • The dog is in the garden. Is the dog in the garden? (+) Yes, it is. / (–) No, it isn’t. • The Millers have got a car. Have the Millers got a car? (+) Yes, they have. / (–) No, they haven’t. Ask questions and give answers. Workbook, p. 10, ex. 4 1 The cat is in the house. (–) Is the cat in the house? No, it isn’t. 2 Matt can play the guitar. (+) 3 I am the best at football. (+) 4 Jeff has got a good memory. (–) 5 You are a good team player. (–) 6 Our teacher can be friendly. (+) 12 Complete the questions and match them with the answers. Workbook, p. 11, ex. 5 13 Tip Fragewörter WHO? WER? WHAT? WAS? WHEN? WANN? WHERE? WO? WHY? WARUM? HOW? WIE? 1 Does Tom go to school at 9 o’clock? 2 you sometimes help your mother? 3 we walk to school every day? 4 she use her hands? 5 his uncle often repair things? 6 they always make so much noise? No, we don’t. Yes, they do. No, she doesn’t. 1 No, he doesnt. Yes, I do. Yes, he does. Unit 2 · Jobs 20 Ó worksheet dw66k2 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv