kick off PTS, Coursebook

Say it like this: Yes, I think so. No, I don’t think so. agree (+) disagree (–) 1 E e-book reader 2 smartphone 3 video game console 4 tablet computer 5 Facebook 6 virtual reality glasses Match the product with its function. 2 Technology survey: Read the following sentences and tick A (agree) or D (disagree). Then compare with a partner and talk about your answers. A D 1 Technology makes life easy for everyone. 2 The internet makes finding information easier and faster. 3 If people let computers do everything, they will not be able to do anything alone. 4 It’s a mistake to rely too much on technology. 5 Most teenagers spend too much time online. 6 You should only visit social networking sites from people you know. 7 Parents should know what their children do on the computer. 8 Technology is important for success. 3 H A a social networking site used for connecting with friends B a small computer used for looking at digital media C a product used for experiencing a different reality D a product used for playing video games E a product used for reading e-books F a mobile phone that can be used to take pictures, play games and send emails Write sentences about the pictures in your exercise book. Use the word under each picture. Workbook p. 34, ex. 1, 2 Example: 1. Our school has a computer network. 4 1 network 2 internet 3 text message 4 connect 5 spam 6 email 7 file 8 crash 81 Unit 7 · Media and technology Starting out Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv