Prime Time 5/6. Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

13 100 Comparison of adjectives Adjectives: Comparisons 2 Use comparisons to express the same ideas. Use the letters provided. 1. Samantha has got seven apples in her basket. Gilbert has picked five apples. There are f apples in Gilbert’s basket than in Samantha’s. 2. Helen passed the test with an A. Clare had a C in the same test. Clare’s test was not as g as Helen’s. 3. On his way back he took the train from the station closest to his home. He took the train from the n station. 4. He should get off the bus at the stop after this one. He should get off the bus at the n stop. 5. The newscaster read the most recent news. The newscaster read the l news. 6. This was her final sentence before she passed away. This was her l sentence before she passed away. Adjectives: Comparisons 3 Write down what these sentences mean. Use the words provided. 1. Ben is not as fast as Jamie. a) Ben . (slow) b) Jamie . (quick) 2. Francis and Sue scored three points each. Francis . (good) 3. Carl is twelve and Sally is twelve too, Patricia is fourteen. a) Carl . (young, Sally) b) Patricia . (old, Carl and Sally) c) Sally . (old, Patricia) 4. Ian has £200 in his bank account, Paul only has £50 altogether. a) Ian . (money) b) Paul . (money) 5. Diana often does not know what she has to do. Joan forgets even more. Only Justine is reliable and knows exactly what she has to do. a) Diana . (reliable, Joan, Justine) b) Justine . (reliable) c) Joan . (reliable, Diana) 3 4 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv