Prime Time 5/6. Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

18 Adverbial clauses 113 0 A only if B as if ✘ C even if D so that 1 A like B as C unless D in case 2 A Even B Though C In spite of D Whereas 3 A until B whereas C because D whereever 4 A Because B Only if C Until D Although 5 A as though B while C until D since 6 A even if B unless C only if D if 7 A so that B as soon as C such as D as if 8 A Not only B Until C Although D As soon as 9 A as if B then C so that D only if 10 A even though B until C as if D despite Connecting sentences Try out different conjunctions and adverbial clauses to combine the two sentences. 1. The five-cent coin looks very Canadian. It has a picture of a beaver on it. The five-cent coin looks very Canadian since it has a picture of a beaver on it. Because the five-cent coin has a picture of a beaver on it, it looks very Canadian. 2. You need proper shoes to go hiking in the Alps. The ground is rough and hard. 3. My brother started medical training. He drove a lorry for a living. 4. The dolphin lives in the sea. It is not a fish, it’s a mammal. 5. I enjoyed camping out. I was much younger. 6. American football players wear lots of protective clothing. They don’t get hurt much. 7. I took notes. I was at a presentation of the new accounting software. 8. Jake did the ironing. He also prepared breakfast. 3 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv