Prime Time 3, Coursebook

to read carefully !*keEfli? Read carefully what the children say about their lives. sorgfältig lesen Iranian !I*reInIEn? Most Iranian kids can speak English very well. iranisch enough !I*n0f? Not all families have enough money for the things children need. genug However, … !haU*evE? Iran is full of internet cafés. However, some people don’t like the internet. aber, jedoch to give sb. bad ideas !bxd aI*dIEz? Some families are afraid the internet could give children bad ideas. jmdn. auf dumme Gedanken bringen bridge !brIdZ? Gabriel has to sleep under a bridge. Brücke (die) to sell sth. – sold – sold !sel? !sEUld? He has to sell sweets to earn some money and help his family. verkaufen rest !rest? He must try to sell the rest today. Rest (der) street child !*stri"t tSaIld? Thierry is a street child from Rwanda. Straßenkind (das) Rwanda !rUandE? Rwanda is a country in Africa. Ruanda (das) beggar !*begE? This is why he is a beggar now. Bettler (der), Bettlerin (die) especially !I*speSli? Living on the street is especially hard when it rains. besonders, vor allem powerful !*paUEfUl? I would like powerful people to help me. mächtig (the) Ivory Coast !aIvri *kEUst? Mariame lived with her parents in a village in the Ivory Coast. Elfenbeinküste (die) to hit sb. – hit – hit !hIt? Sometimes her teacher hit her. jmdn. schlagen schoolwork !*sku"lw3"k? We weren’t quick enough with our schoolwork. Schulaufgaben (die) blond !blOnd? Sometimes blond children bully Anam because of her darker skin. blond slum !sl0m? In Mexico City, she lives in a slum. Slum (das), Elendsviertel (das) intonation !IntE*neISn? When you speak, you use intonation. Intonation (die), Sprachmelodie (die) to shout at sb. !SaUt? She shouts at the girl angrily. jmdn. anschreien It’s only right 3 well-being !wel*bi"IN? Good education is important for your well-being. Wohlbefinden (das) tradition !trE*dISn? You have a right to follow your family’s tradition. Tradition (die) health !helT? You should not have to do work that is bad for your health. Gesundheit (die) to rest !rest? You have the right to play and rest. sich ausruhen student counselor !stju"dnt kaUnsElE? They talk with their student counselor about their problems at school. Beratungslehrer (der), Beratungslehrerin (die) glad !glxd? I’m glad you came to talk to me. froh, glücklich grade !greId? Your grades are getting worse. Note (die) modal verb !mEUdl v3"b? ‘Should’ and ‘must’ are modal verbs. Modalverb (das) concentrate !*kOnsntreIt? Some children are not able to concentrate. sich konzentrieren Your life – your rights 4 student council !stju"dnt kaUnsl? The student council helps share the pupils’ ideas with the teachers. Schülervertretung (die) survey !s3"veI? We did a survey about the food in our cafeteria. Umfrage (die) to put up with sth. !pUt *0p wID? We didn’t want to put up with this any longer. etw. dulden, etw. ertragen protest !*prEUtest? The student council are making plans for a protest. Protest (der) 153 one hundred and fifty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv