Prime Time 3, Coursebook

petition !pE*tISn? We wrote a petition that everyone can sign. Petition (die), Unterschriftenliste (die) school assembly !sku"l E*sembli? We are planning to present our arguments at the next school assembly. Schulversammlung (die) to sign sth. !saIn? We want everyone to sign the petition. etw. unterschreiben action !*xkSn? It is a kind of action that shows you don’t like something. Tat (die), Handlung (die) to pray !preI? The pupils and teachers come together to pray. beten regularly !*regjElEli? The student council meets regularly. regelmäßig idea !aI*dIE? They share their ideas with the teachers. Gedanke (der), Idee (die) unhealthy !0n*helTi? It is unhealthy to eat too much fast food. ungesund choice !tSCIs? The students want more choices. Auswahl (die), Auswahlmöglichkeit (die) I don’t care. !aI dEUnt *keE? Es ist mir egal. to make sure !meIk *SC"? The members make sure that teachers listen to the pupils’ opinions. sichergehen 5 buddy book !*b0di bUk? Make your own buddy book! “Faltbuch” buddy !*b0di? I like spending time with my buddies. Kumpel (der) sheet of paper !shi"t? Take a sheet of paper. Blatt Papier (das) fold !fEUld? Fold your sheet in half. falten vertically !*v3"tIkli? Fold the sheet vertically. vertikal flat !flxt? Lay the paper flat on your desk. flach edge !edZ? Cut from the folded edge to the middle fold. Kante (die) line !laIn? Fold the sheet along the middle line. Linie (die) to run parallel to sth. !*pxrElel? The middle line runs parallel to the long edge. parallel zu etw. verlaufen to fill sth. !fIl? Fill the pages of your buddy book. etw. füllen keyword !*ki"w3"d? You can write keywords or full sentences. Stichwort (das) front cover !*fr0nt k0vE? Make a front cover with a title. vorderer Buchdeckel back cover !*bxk k0vE? The book should have a front and a back cover. hinterer Buchdeckel to design sth. !dI*zaIn? Design your own front cover. etw. entwerfen Show what you can do 6 (school) club !kl0b? Which school club is right for you? (Schul-)Verein (der), (Schul-)Klub (der) to agree on sth. !E*gri"? You and your partner should agree on one club. sich auf etw. einigen bake sale !*beIk seIl? We are organising a bake sale to get money for the children’s hospital. Kuchenbasar (der) religion !rI*lIdZn? Get to know different religions. Religion (die) priest !pri"st? We are inviting priests. Priester (der) imam !I*mA"m? The imam will talk about his religion and his job. Imam (der) rabbi !*rxbaI? We are also inviting rabbis. Rabbi (der) expert !*eksp3"t? They invited experts to talk about bullying. Experte (der), Expertin (die) to inform sb. !In*fC"m? We want to inform other pupils about their rights. jmdn. informieren 7 adverb of manner !xdv3"b Ev *mxnE? ‘Hard’, ‘fast’ and ‘angry’ are all adverbs of manner. Umstandswort der Art und Weise 154 Vocabulary one hundred and fifty-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv