Prime Time 3, Workbook

Focus on function a) Read Ally’s e-mail to her best friend Rachel and tick the correct statements. Rachel is going to meet Leo on Monday. Leo is going to visit Ally around Christmas. Ally’s not happy that she’s going to leave soon. Ally is making fun1 of her accident. b) Read the e-mail again and complete the table below with the highlighted phrases. past present future I wasn’t, Focus on form Short answers. Match the questions with the short answers. 1. Did you have a nice holiday? Yes, I am. 2. Were Sam and Lisa in your class last year? No, it wasn’t. 3. Are you a new student here? 1 Yes, I did. 4. Did Josh try surfing in the holidays? Yes, she is. 5. Is she happy to be back at school? No, they weren’t. 6. Was this picture in our classroom last year? No, he didn’t. 6 To: Date: 15 July | 18:15 Subject: Great news! Hi Rachel, Do you miss me? ;) You know that at first I wasn’t that excited about my trip to Austria, but right now there’s so much happening, and I’ve got lots to tell you about. The greatest thing is that I’ve met the coolest boy in the world! His name is Leo, and I met him when I was riding my bike on a mountain road. No, really I was sitting on the ground and crying – my ankle was hurt, and my bike was broken! Just kidding – you know that I never cry! ;-)) Leo and I are making plans about meeting in the winter break. He’s going to come to England, so maybe you will meet him, too. We’re quite sad that we’ll have to say goodbye soon. I’m going to land in London on Monday – so see you soon! XOXO Ally 1 to make fun of sth./sb. – sich über etw./jmdn. lustig machen 7 6 Revision six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv