way2go!, Maturatraining

46 Read the introductions for the blog comment and decide which of them does not clearly refer to the blog post above. 3 1 Don’t eat on the bus! Don’t smoke at the train station! All these signs limit our freedom. I so agree with you that they’re maddening. 2 I’ve just stumbled across your blog post and I can totally see your point. I also think that most people disregard signs or do things they shouldn’t do because they think it’s fun to break the rules. 3 I’d like to write about a sign that bothers me the most. It’s the one that says “Don’t step on the lawn”. Think of a lawn in a park, for example. Aren’t people meant to relax there? 4 Having read your blog post on rules and regulations, I can only say that I couldn’t agree with you more. We’re constantly surrounded by walls plastered in signs telling us what to do – it’s really frustrating. 5 I’ve come across your blog post recently and I can only agree with what you are saying because I think that there are a lot of rules and regulations that are simply irritating. Wherever we are, signs tell us what we should or shouldn’t do. Read the beginning of the blog comment below. Then read the ideas suggested for content point 2 and find evidence and reasons to support each of them. 4 I’ve just read your blog post and I can absolutely relate to what you’re saying. I agree that so many people no longer pay attention to signs or – even worse – do things they shouldn’t because they think it’s funny to break the rules. A sign that is particularly irritating for me is the one that says “No dogs allowed here”. This sign can be found in many places where it is obvious that you wouldn’t bring a dog, for example, in a hospital. So why put it there? Isn’t it evident that dog owners are responsible enough to think of that themselves? Especially in a hospital, there are so many things to consider, so many other important signs to be read, that the one saying “No dogs” is utterly superfluous. Content point 2: present a situation in which this sign makes sense Possible situation Evidence/Reasons 1 children’s playground 2 cycle path 3 spa Writing Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv