way2go!, Maturatraining

47 Match the parts of the email (1–4) to the text type requirements they need to meet (a–d). 1 Working on emails Layout: From: To: Subject line: Salutation Introduction Content point Content point Content point Conclusion Signing off Study the task below. Identify the recipient and the purpose of writing. 2 You have found this advertisement in Young Films, an English magazine: You have decided to send an email to Mr Sprite. In your email you should: explain why you would like the job outline your qualifications specify what you need to know about the job Write around 250 words. Teendrama Productions is looking for young people to appear in crowd scenes in a new drama series. Filming will take place around Innsbruck this August. You must have a good knowledge of English and be available for at least eight days. Apply to: andrew.sprite@teendrama.productions 1 subject line 2 introduction 3 body paragraphs 4 conclusion a Develop the content points (bullet points), highlighting the personal significance of ideas and events at the beginning of each paragraph. b Let the recipient know what action you expect: stay in contact, give a refund, provide information, … c Be clear, precise and accurate about what the email is about. d State your reason for writing. Decide which two subject lines work best and which one does not make sense for the recipient. 1 Actors wanted 2 Application for taking part in crowd scenes 3 Teendrama Productions 4 Harrison application for crowd scenes Innsbruck 3 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv