Prime Time 6, Coursebook mit Audio-CD und DVD

2 Speaking: Britain – a multi-ethnic society Prepare a statement about Britain as a multi-ethnic society. Discuss the following points: • What is the situation in Britain like with respect to its multi-ethnic population? • Where do members of ethnic communities live? • How have these ethnic communities developed? • Where do most British immigrants come from? • What are their major problems? • What is your view? 1 Has enough language to get by, with sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself with some hesitation and circumlocutions on topics such as family, hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current events. (B1) Writing: A blog comment You have read the following blog post by a girl from London. by Jamila 9 March, 7:03 p.m. Hi everybody! I’m from South London. My parents come from India, but I was born here and I’ve spent nearly all my life in Britain. I enjoy the Western lifestyle in which a girl can make her own decisions, for example which job to take or who to marry. Well, the problem is that my parents are still very traditional. Especially my father – he believes that the Indian way of life is the best for all of us. So he decided to arrange a marriage for me with someone from India I’ve never even met before! He really thinks that being a housewife and mother would be the best for me!!! I said no to his plans and now he won’t talk to me any more! Well, if that’s his way to force me to give in to the marriage-idea, then I really don’t know what to do. I don’t want to hurt my father, but I can’t agree to marry that Indian guy … What do you think I should do??? You have decided to comment on this blog post. In your blog comment you should: • explain who you are and what your background is • point out what you think would be the right thing to do • suggest what Jamila could do in her situation Write around 200 words . 2 Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. (B1) 34 Multi-ethnic Britain Check-out Now you can • Talk about ethnic diversity in the UK. • Write a summary. • Present information about ethnic groups in Britain. • Speak about a person’s biography. • Use participle constructions to improve the stylistic quality of a text. • Structure ideas and paragraphs when writing an essay. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv