English Unlimited HTL 4/5, Schülerbuch

■■ How are you planning to raise money? ■■ What is your marketing strategy? ■■ Who are your team members and why did you choose them? ■■ What if someone else develops a similar product faster than you? ■■ Why do you think your product or service will be successful? Get together in groups of four and compare your answer strategies and answers. Which one do you like best? Why? Compare your ideas in class. Designing a site map Talk in pairs. 1 Which websites do you most often visit? Why? 2 What would you say are the characteristics of a well-designed website? 3 What things about websites really annoy you? Read the caption and look at the site map, which shows the proposed structure of the website. Do you think the site map is logically organised? Would you add or change any pages? f Listening 19 20 a Ben and Ramdas have just started a small photography business. They’re discussing a possible site map for their business’s website. ABOUT US GUESTBOOK PORTRAITS CORPORATE AND EVENTS LANDSCAPES WEDDINGS HOMEPAGE CONTACT US GALLERY PRICE LIST PORTRAIT ADVICE Read the tips on how to answer questions in a pitch presentation. Then develop a strategy for answering the questions below. Example: Is there a lot of competition on the market? – I would not talk about competition but point out that my company has something special to offer; such as: Yes, there is a competitor in the US. They have grown by 100% in the last year but they only offer vouchers from a limited number of companies. e Answer strategies for investor questions ■■ Be honest: admit if you don’t know the answer to a question but make sure you will find out. ■■ Don’t avoid talking about problem areas but provide possible solutions. ■■ Keep your answer high level, e.g. supply as many facts and data as possible. ■■ Be straight to the point. ■■ Don’t try and answer impossible questions or comment on questions aiming to get confidential information; rather explain the issue in general. ■■ Let the investors speak and address all the issues in your answer. ■■ Be prepared to talk about the competition; say how you are different. ■■ Finish strong; never miss an opportunity to reinforce your key message. 26 Language skills Extras Explore 2 Digital jungle Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv